What We Do

Transparency and high quality service.


With the increasing demand for digital communication, more and more people as well as systems have to change and be changed to adopt the new technology with the flexibility to be updated as technology evolves, and that is where Avatech comes in. All our solutions are based on customers requirements, that we listen, document, design, present and implement upon customers’ confirmation. We are proud to say that our solutions are always on time and fit for purpose.

Web Hosting and Clouding

We provide web hosting services and assist in creating a website as per customers demands and standards. And with physical storage proved to be unreliable from time to time, we have cloud option solutions for storage and hosting which can also be managed by the customers themselves.

Support and Maintenance

Managing all ICT services and maintenance have become challenging these days that is to why Avatech offers to take off this burden from the clients and offer flexible terms to assure our clients have reliable and available system all the time.     


From planning, designing and implementing including intergrating simple to complex ICT infrastructure and related hardware, we can provide the best guidance based on the location, nature of the operation and budget allocated at the given point in time to have at last a reliable system.

Timber Solutions

For industrial, office and home timber requirements in raw form or finished product, we supply different types of timber as required. Meeting a diverse range of timber needs, we proudly offer an extensive selection of timber solutions for industrial, office, and residential purposes.

Cyber Security

When it comes to who has access wheAll our digital activities and data are very likely compromised which can result into a great loss thus protection is of much importance on the devices we are using and the means of communication we have in place.

Microwave Links

Establishing direct cable communication for two or more remote locations can be very challenging due to bad terrain yet, microwave point to point or point to multi-point has proved to be idea solution..


At  Avatech Communications, we strive to deliver more than what is typically offered. It means more than just solutions we design and build. We are also connected to our customers and invested in their success. We understand that an enterprise can not afford to build a solution that only works today but must scale for tomorrow.

Two-Way Radios

Has been an ideal solution for most of the industries, and has proved to be cost effective and reliable from time to time for as long as the set up has been done correctly as it should and to suit customer’s requirements.

Satellite Phones

Where there is no cellular coverage only satellite phone will be a good rescue at such location and when communication is needed the most. With gps, sms and internet, you are never out of reach.

Physical Security

When it comes to who has access where and to what as well as having clear visibility of all that goes around on day to day basis, Physical Security is ideal solution from homes, offices, hospitals and factories to name a few.

Structure Cabling

LAN designing, installation and implementation whether be copper or fiber based connectivity. And not only the infrastructure itself but also all related hardware such as routers, switches and firewalls to the integration of existing WAN or setting up a newly data centre.